1 – Does Not Meet Standards
2 – Partially Meets Standards
3 –Meets Standards
4 - Exceeds Standards
Numbers: Operations, Algebra Content, and Applications
Student does not yet demonstrate an understanding of grade level mathematical concepts, skills, and vocabulary.
needs teacher assistance when solving problems, and
does not yet represent or communicate mathematical thinking, or representation and communication of thinking is unrelated to the problem.
Student demonstrates progress toward an understanding of grade level mathematical concepts, skills, and vocabulary.
may need teacher assistance when computing and solving problem
frequently makes computational errors, and
represents and communicates mathematical thinking inconsistently.
Student demonstrates an understanding of grade level mathematical concepts, skills, and vocabulary.
uses a variety of strategies when computing and solving problems;
usually computes and solves problems accurately;
begins to recognize connections among mathematical ideas;
is developing mathematical reasoning and beginning to justify answers, and
represents and communicates mathematical thinking with written explanations.
Student demonstrates and extends grade level mathematical concepts, skills, and vocabulary. Student’s problem solving is highly efficient and accurate.
uses and adapts number strategies based on the problem;
consistently computes and solves problems accurately;
recognizes and applies connections among mathematical ideas independently;
demonstrates mathematical reasoning and convincingly justifies answers, and
represents and communicates mathematical thinking with written explanations that include mathematical language and/or symbolic notation.
Measurement and Geometry
Student does not yet demonstrate an understanding of grade level geometry and measurement concepts, skills, and vocabulary.
needs teacher assistance when solving problems, and
does not yet represent of communicate mathematical thinking, or representation and communication of thinking is unrelated to the problem.
Student demonstrates progress toward an understanding of grade level geometry and measurement concepts, skills, and vocabulary.
may need teacher assistance when solving problems, and
represents and communicates mathematical thinking inconsistently.
Student demonstrates an understanding of grade level geometry and measurement concepts, skills, and vocabulary.
begins to recognize connections among geometry and measurement ideas;
is developing mathematical reasoning and beginning to justify answers, and
represents and communicates mathematical thinking with written explanations.
Student demonstrates and extends grade level geometry and measurement concepts, skills, and vocabulary.
recognizes and applies connections among geometry and measurement ideas independently;
demonstrates mathematical reasoning and convincingly justifies answers, and
represents and communicates mathematical thinking with written explanations that include mathematical language and/or symbolic notation.
Data Analysis
Student does not yet demonstrate an understanding of grade level data concepts, skills, and vocabulary.
needs teacher assistance when solving problems, and
does not yet represent of communicate mathematical thinking, or representation and communication of thinking is unrelated to the problem.
Student demonstrates progress toward an understanding of grade level data concepts, skills, and vocabulary.
may need teacher assistance when solving problems, and
represents and communicates mathematical thinking inconsistently.
Student demonstrates an understanding of grade level data concepts, skills, and vocabulary.
begins to recognize connections among data ideas;
is developing mathematical reasoning and beginning to justify answers, and
represents and communicates mathematical thinking with written explanations.
Student demonstrates and extends grade level data concepts, skills, and vocabulary.
recognizes and applies connections among data ideas independently;
demonstrates mathematical reasoning and convincingly justifies answers, and
represents and communicates mathematical thinking with written explanations that include mathematical language and/or symbolic notation.
Math Habits
rarely participates and attends during classroom and small group discussions;
rarely completes assignments and/or frequently has assignments that are missing, and
rarely takes advantage of extension learning opportunities (when appropriate).
occasionally participates and attends during classroom and small group discussions;
occasionally has assignments that are missing or incomplete, and
occasionally takes advantage of extension learning opportunities (when appropriate).
usually participates and attends during classroom and small group discussions;
usually completes assignments and shows evidence of mathematical thinking, and
usually takes advantage of extension learning opportunities (when appropriate).
consistently participates and attends during classroom and small group discussions;
consistently completes assignments and shows evidence of mathematical thinking,
consistently takes advantage of extension learning opportunities (when appropriate), and
demonstrates enthusiasm, perseverance and a positive attitude toward mathematics.