Grading Rubrics

CANNON FALLS – 3rd Grade


1 – Does Not Meet Standards

2 – Partially Meets Standards

3 –Meets Standards

4 - Exceeds Standards

Word Solving Strategies

Student demonstrates little or no knowledge of phonics and phonemic awareness skills in order to read fluently.  (Including, but not limited to chunking, decoding, sounding out, etc.)

Student demonstrates limited knowledge of phonics and phonemic awareness skills in order to read fluently. (Including, but not limited to chunking, decoding, sounding out, etc.)

Student demonstrates knowledge of phonics and phonemic awareness skills in order to read fluently.  (Including, but not limited to chunking, decoding, sounding out, etc.)

Student consistently demonstrates knowledge of phonics and phonemic awareness skills in order to read fluently.  (Including, but not limited to chunking, decoding, sounding out, etc.)

Reads Fluently

Student accurately reads text that is on or below grade level at a slow to moderate rate, with little expression and attention to punctuation.

Student accurately reads text that is on or below grade level at a moderate rate, with some expression and some attention to punctuation.  

Student accurately reads text that is on grade level at an adequate rate, with expression and correct punctuation.  

Student accurately reads text that is on or above grade level with effective expression, phrasing and punctuation.

Comprehends Text

Student demonstrates little or no understanding of grade level or below grade level fiction and/or nonfiction text.  Responses include incorrect or unrelated information.

Student demonstrates understanding of grade level or below grade level fiction and/or nonfiction text.  Responses include incorrect or unrelated information.

Student demonstrates understanding of grade level or above grade level fiction and nonfiction text.  Responses include adequate interpretation and evaluation of text. 

Student demonstrates insightful understanding of grade level or above grade level fiction and nonfiction text.  Responses include significant interpretation and evaluation of text.

Writing Content

Student has difficulty generating ideas and writing focused, organized text.  Sentences may all begin the same or are short and choppy with redundant word choice.   Student may write in only one genre with little or no revision. Small quantity of writing is produced.  

Student is beginning to generate ideas and writes focused text with some detail and organization. Sentences begin to vary in length with attempts at appropriate word choice.  Student begins to revise. Quantity of writing in various genres is increasing.  

Student usually generates ideas and writes focused, organized text with details.  Sentences include appropriate word choice with sentences that flow. Revision usually occurs.  Student produces a larger quantity of writing in various genres.  

Student consistently generates ideas, and writes focused and organized text with purposeful details including insightful word choice and sentences that flow.  Revision occurs independently. Student produces a substantial quantity of writing in various genres.  

Mechanics in Writing

Student has difficulty using correct grammar, punctuation and paragraphing while writing text.  Has difficulty spelling grade appropriate words correctly and applying spelling patterns in writing.  

Student occasionally uses correct grammar, punctuation, and paragraphing while writing text.  Student sometimes spells grade appropriate words correctly but inconsistently applies spelling patterns in writing.  

Student usually uses correct grammar, punctuation, and paragraphing while writing text.  Student usually spells grade appropriate words correctly and applies spelling patterns in writing.  

Student consistently uses correct grammar, punctuation, and paragraphing while writing text.  Student consistently spells grade appropriate words correctly and applies spelling patterns in writing. 


Student has difficulty using consistent size, slant, shape, and spacing when writing.  Concentrating to form letters almost always interferes with writing content.

Student occasionally uses consistent size, slant, shape, and spacing when writing.  Paper position may or may not be correct. Concentrating to form letters often interferes with writing content.

Student usually uses consistent size, slant, shape, and spacing, with paper positioned correctly when writing. Handwriting seldom interferes with writing content.

Student uses consistent size, slant, shape, and spacing, with paper positioned correctly. Handwriting never interferes with writing content.

Reading Habits

Student read only one/two varieties of text, has difficulty concentrating and often abandons books.  Amount of reading is limited.

Student reads fiction and/or nonfiction text but selects specific varieties and topics.  Student sometimes loses concentration while reading and sometimes abandons books. Amount of reading is moderate.

Student usually selects and reads a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts for sustained periods of time.  Amount of reading is adequate.

Student consistently selects and reads a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts for sustained periods of time.  Amount of reading is extensive.


CANNON FALLS – 3rd Grade


1 – Does Not Meet Standards

2 – Partially Meets Standards

3 –Meets Standards

4 - Exceeds Standards

Numbers: Operations, Algebra Content, and Applications

Student does not yet demonstrate an understanding of grade level mathematical concepts, skills, and vocabulary.


  • needs teacher assistance when solving problems, and

  • does not yet represent or communicate mathematical thinking, or representation and communication of thinking is unrelated to the problem.

Student demonstrates progress toward an understanding of grade level mathematical concepts, skills, and vocabulary.


  • may need teacher assistance when computing and solving problem

  • frequently makes computational errors, and

  • represents and communicates mathematical thinking inconsistently.

Student demonstrates an understanding of grade level mathematical concepts, skills, and vocabulary.


  • uses a variety of strategies when computing and solving problems;

  • usually computes and solves problems accurately;

  • begins to recognize connections among mathematical ideas;

  • is developing mathematical reasoning and beginning to justify answers, and

    represents and communicates mathematical thinking with written explanations. 

Student demonstrates and extends grade level mathematical concepts, skills, and vocabulary.  Student’s problem solving is highly efficient and accurate.  


  • uses  and adapts number strategies based on the  problem;

  • consistently computes and solves problems accurately;

  • recognizes and applies  connections among mathematical ideas independently;

  • demonstrates mathematical reasoning and convincingly justifies answers, and

  • represents and communicates mathematical thinking with written explanations that include mathematical language and/or symbolic notation.

Measurement and Geometry

Student does not yet demonstrate an understanding of grade level geometry and measurement concepts, skills, and vocabulary.


  • needs teacher assistance when solving problems, and

  • does not yet represent of communicate mathematical thinking, or representation and communication of thinking is unrelated to the problem.

Student demonstrates progress toward an understanding of grade level geometry and measurement concepts, skills, and vocabulary.


  • may need teacher assistance when solving problems, and

  • represents and  communicates mathematical thinking inconsistently.  

Student demonstrates an understanding of grade level geometry and measurement concepts, skills, and vocabulary.


  • begins to recognize connections among geometry and measurement ideas;

  • is developing mathematical reasoning and beginning to justify answers, and

  • represents and  communicates mathematical thinking with written explanations.  

Student demonstrates and extends grade level geometry and measurement concepts, skills, and vocabulary.


  • recognizes and applies connections among geometry and measurement ideas independently;

  • demonstrates mathematical reasoning and convincingly justifies answers, and

  • represents and  communicates mathematical thinking with written explanations that include mathematical language and/or symbolic notation.  

Data Analysis

Student does not yet demonstrate an understanding of grade level data concepts, skills, and vocabulary.


  • needs teacher assistance when solving problems, and

  • does not yet represent of communicate mathematical thinking, or representation and communication of thinking is unrelated to the problem.

Student demonstrates progress toward an understanding of grade level data concepts, skills, and vocabulary.


  • may need teacher assistance when solving problems, and

  • represents and  communicates mathematical thinking inconsistently.  

Student demonstrates an understanding of grade level data concepts, skills, and vocabulary.


  • begins to recognize connections among data ideas;

  • is developing mathematical reasoning and beginning to justify answers, and

  • represents and  communicates mathematical thinking with written explanations.  

Student demonstrates and extends grade level data concepts, skills, and vocabulary.


  • recognizes and applies connections among data ideas independently;

  • demonstrates mathematical reasoning and convincingly justifies answers, and

  • represents and  communicates mathematical thinking with written explanations that include mathematical language and/or symbolic notation.  

Math Habits


  • rarely participates and attends during classroom and small group discussions;

  • rarely completes assignments and/or frequently has assignments that are missing, and

  • rarely takes advantage of extension learning opportunities (when appropriate).  


  • occasionally participates and attends during classroom and small group discussions;

  • occasionally has assignments that are missing or incomplete, and

  • occasionally takes advantage of extension learning opportunities (when appropriate).  


  • usually participates and attends during classroom and small group discussions;

  • usually completes assignments and shows evidence of mathematical thinking, and

  • usually takes advantage of extension learning opportunities (when appropriate).  


  • consistently participates and attends during classroom and small group discussions;

  • consistently completes assignments and shows evidence of mathematical thinking,

  • consistently takes advantage of extension learning opportunities (when appropriate), and

  • demonstrates enthusiasm, perseverance and a positive attitude toward mathematics.

CANNON FALLS – 3rd Grade



1 – Does Not Meet Standards

2 – Partially Meets Standards

3 –Meets Standards

4 - Exceeds Standards

Science & Social Studies: Understanding Concepts and Processes

Demonstrates little or no understanding of concepts.  Many unit requirements were missing or incomplete. Does not use materials/resources appropriately.  

Demonstrates partial understanding of concepts.  Most unit requirements were completely adequately. Uses materials/resources appropriately with support.

Demonstrates understanding of concepts.  All unit requirements were completely adequately. Uses materials/resources appropriately.

Applies concepts to new contexts, makes connections, and extends thinking. Unit requirements were completely clearly and thoughtfully. Uses materials/resources efficiently.


CANNON FALLS – 3rd Grade

Work Habits & Social Skills REPORT CARD MARKING CODE


1 – Does Not Meet Standards

2 – Partially Meets Standards

3 –Meets Standards

4 - Exceeds Standards

R - Respect

Student does not show respect for students, staff, or property. Does not work well with others.  Has difficulty getting along with others, treating them disrespectfully or purposefully causing conflicts. May taunt others in class.

Student inconsistently shows respect for students, staff, or property.  Has difficulty getting along with others. Unsure how to show respect for people with different opinions or personalities.  Ignores or speaks disrespectfully to others.  

Student usually shows respect for students, staff, or property. Generally gets along with others.  Can usually find an appropriate way to handle conflicts. Rarely gets into disagreements or seeks help to resolve group conflict.

Student continually shows respect for students, staff, or property. Gets along with and works well with others in a variety of situations. Is considerate, cooperative, and respectful of differences.  Encourages and helps others. Work well with classmates, brings out the best in others, and is willing to help.  

E - Effort

Student is unable to remain attentive to the speaker and often appears distracted.  Is unable to comply with initial directions and needs frequent redirection from the teacher.

They also struggle with working independently.

Student is inconsistently attentive to the speaker and occasionally appears distracted.  Inconsistently complies with directions and needs occasional redirection. 

Student is somewhat independent, however, exhibits some off task behavior.  Needs multiple redirections.

Student is usually attentive to the speaker and is rarely distracted.  Is usually able to comply with initial directions.

Student usually is productive and engaged.  Requires little redirection.

Student is consistently attentive to the speaker.  Complies with initial directions. Demonstrates ability to assist peers with directions given.  

Student is highly engaged at all times. Student assumes responsibility for learning. 

A - Attitude

Student has difficulty preparing work that is labeled, neat, and complete while following the given directions. Work does not meet objectives, expectations, and requirements.

Student demonstrates little or no courtesy to and/or is rarely mindful of others.

Student is inconsistent in preparing quality work. The work usually has some deficiencies in quality.  Work meets some but not all objectives, expectations, and requirements.

Student is inconsistently courteous to and mindful of others.

Student usually prepares work that is clear, well-organized, focused, and neat.  Work meets objectives, expectations, and requirements.

Student is usually courteous to and mindful of others.

Student continually prepares work of exceptional quality.  Work exceeds objectives, expectations, and requirements. 

Student is courteous to and mindful of others.

L - Learning

Student is disorganized and is usually unable to locate materials and assignments.  Much time is lost to searching for items.  

Student rarely completes and turns in assignments on time.  Student need frequent reminders from teacher about missing or incomplete work.  Assignments are often only partially completed if at all.

Student inconsistently completes and turns in assignments on time.  Needs occasional reminders from teacher about missing and incomplete work. Work is sometimes partially completed.

Student demonstrates inconsistent organization.  Often is able to locate materials and assignments, but needs frequent assistance and attention from teacher.  

Student usually completes and turns in assignments on time.  Student rarely needs reminders about missing or incomplete work. Work is usually thoroughly completed.

Student is usually organized.  Can easily locate materials and assignments.  

Student consistently completes assignments on time in a thorough and accurate manner.

Student is highly organized.  Has a system for locating and storing materials and assignments.  Can quickly locate items when needed.